Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Factions in Thaeron

Paladin Crests – each is its own faction; goals as described in Orders of Thaeron; per crest goals, lawful governance with usually good or occasionally neutral morals

Druid Eldergroves – each is its own faction, somewhat bonded across organizations but each governs itself; goals are preservation of the natural cycles and ecosystems, uniting various disparate interests in this effort; true neutral or occasionally chaotic governance with various good or neutral moral tendencies

Celestial Shrine – an over-arching order of monks and diviners (cleric and wizard, celestial warlocks); enlightenment of the world with divine knowledge and guidance; intervention when extreme components threaten it or the order of the mortal world; neutral to lawful governance with good to neutral moral tendencies, extremely self-sufficient and self-regulating, usually emphasizes neutrality in governance and good morals

Silver Guard – military alliance of the lowlands and border territories; defense of the Alliance and its people; highly lawful governance and good morals

Sun Totem – shaman cooperative between the barbarian tribes of the Belaug Wildlaern; share spiritual bonds and promote goodwill among the tribes and between tribes and other factions, defend against threats to the tribes; chaotic governance with good to neutral moral tendencies

Glowing Hearth – dwarf, gnome, elf artisans; share skills and secrets of elite craftsmanship among all artisans; provide a resource and control access to manufacture and trade of artisan products; lawful governance with good to neutral moral tendencies

Mystopia – practitioners of arcane magic; preservation, enrichment, and regulation of arcane arts; lawful governance without strict moral affiliations

Dawn Watch – network of scouts, spies, rogues; provide intelligence for other factions, gather and keep vital information, provide services as needed; chaotic governance with mostly neutral moral tendencies

Three Hands – underworld, criminal interests, dastardly rogues, evil of any sort; “the mob”; lawful and primarily evil, some neutral governance and moral elements

Windwalkers – loose alliance of freewill thinkers and rebellious-minded interests; support and provide resources for oppressed or outcast individuals or groups; chaotic governance with neutral to good morals, occasionally tends to true neutral in both